Computer Network


dominant model : bidirectional, reliable byte stream connection

  • http: hypertext transfer protocol : designed to be a document centric way for programs to communicate. Client —> Server model

  • Bit-Torrent: (peer-to-peer model) a client requests document from other clients, a single client can request from many others. these collections of collaborating clients are called swarms when a client wants to downloads a file, it first find torrent, usually using www and download using http. torrent file describes information about data file, also tells bit-torrent about the tracker (a node keeps track names of clients of the swarm)

  • skype: client <–NAT–>client two clients request data from each other

    NAT : network address translator if you’re behind a NAT, you can open connections out to the internet, but other nodes on the internet can’t easily open connections to you.

The 4 layer Internet Model

The Internet is made up of `event hosts`, `links` and `routers`.

data is delivered in packets a packet is a self-contained unit consisting of the data we want to be delivered.

link layer’s job is to carry the data over one link at a time. ethernet and wifi –> two examples of different links layers

Network layer’s job is to deliver packets end to end across the internet. a packet is a collection data with header.

network layer packet are called datagram.

The network layer is “special”

we must use the internet Protocol (IP)

  • IP makes a best-effort attempt to deliver our datagrams to the other end. But it make no promise
  • IP datagrams can get lost, delivered out of order, and be corrupted. No guarantees.

Transport layer

the most common transport layer is TCP (transmission control protocol)

  • guarantee correct in-order delivery of data

some applications doesn’t need reliable delivery, it can use UDP (user datagram protocol).

  • an alternative transport layer that bundles up application data and hands it to the network layer
  • it offers no delivery guarantees at all


they have their own protocol to define the syntax and semantics of data flowing between two end points (e.g. http, bit-torrent)


IP Service model

Property behavior
Datagram Individually routed packets.
Unreliable packet might be dropped
Best effort only if necessary
Connectionless No per-flow state.

IP is “simple”

  • faster, lower cost to build and maintain
  • The end-to-end principle
  • allows a variety of reliable (or unreliable) service to be built on top
  • make very few assumptions about link layer

IP Service Model

  1. Tried to prevent packets looping forever add a hop count field in the header of every datagram (ttl:time to live), start at a number like 128, decremented by every router passes through, when it reaches 0, IP think it be stuck in a loop then drop it.
  2. will fragment packets if they are too long. bc most links have a limit on the size of packets.(ethernet – 1500bytes)
  3. uses a header checksum to reduce chances of delivering datagram to wrong destination.
  4. allows for new version of IP
    • IPv4 32 bit addresses
    • IPv6 128 bit addresses
  5. allows for new options to be added to header

Life of a Packet

three-way handshake

  1. Client —–sends a synchronized message(同步信息)—–> Server (synchronize, SYN)

  2. Server —–responds with a synchronized message and also acknowledges the client synchronize—-> Client (synchronize and acknowledge, SYN/ACK)

  3. Client —–responds by acknowledging the server synchronized —-> Server (acknowledge, ACK)

IP addressed: like computer addresses. TCP port: tells which applications to deliver data to.

Web Server usually run on tcp port 80.